Rahul Gandhi’s major pledge for women in Lok Sabha elections

Congress MP Rahul Gandhi recently made a promise that, if his party comes to power in the Lok Sabha elections, they will ensure that 50% of government jobs are reserved for women. Gandhi highlighted the need for equal representation of women in government jobs to fully utilize their potential and contribute to the country’s progress. He emphasized Congress’s belief in empowering women through equal opportunities in employment and government decision-making roles.

In addition to the job reservation proposal, Congress has pledged to implement immediate women’s reservation in Parliament and assemblies. This move aims to provide women with a secure income, stability, and self-respect, ultimately strengthening the fabric of society. Gandhi expressed confidence that having women occupy 50% of government positions will lead to a positive transformation in India’s destiny, highlighting the significant role powerful women play in shaping the nation’s future.

Earlier, the Congress party unveiled a series of guarantees focusing on women’s welfare in the upcoming elections. These include initiatives like the “Mahalakshmi” guarantee, offering annual financial assistance to women from poor families, and “Shakti ka Samman,” which doubles the Centre’s support to ASHA, anganwadi, and mid-day meal workers. The party also proposed the appointment of “adhikaar maitri” to educate women about their legal rights and enhance their enforcement, as part of the “Adhikar Maitri” guarantee.

Furthermore, Congress plans to increase the number of hostels for working women across the country under the “Savitri Bai Phule Hostels” guarantee, ensuring better accommodation facilities and support in every district. These commitments reflect Congress’s dedication to promoting gender equality, empowering women economically, and fostering their active participation in various sectors of society.

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